This week I decided to start having lunch with various homeroom classes. It has been fun so far. I've learned about people's families, been asked a multitude of personal questions, sang, and had to determine if I thought their teacher was handsome. One class showed me their baby pictures and told me about their families in English. In this class one of the boys sang part of the song "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston. He was pretty good and was prompted to sing because he had asked me a question about her. In two other classes I was asked by the students if I thought their homeroom teacher (male) was handsome or if I liked them. Since the teachers were still in the classroom it was a little awkward but I evaded the question quite successfully in my opinion by responding with either "I think you (the boy asking the question) are more handsome!" or "I like him just as much as I like all of you (in reference to the class)!" this was clearly not the answer they were looking for but it worked. In another class they asked if I sang or liked to sing and when I responded with a yes I was asked and expected to sing for the class. Being completely caught unaware and blanking on songs to sing I decided to sing "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and made the students join me.
One night while buying dinner (rou gen mien) I was questioned about my nationality per usual since I confuse people by looking like I should speak perfect Chinese and then being completely baffled by the menu since I am in all respects illiterate. After having the words explained to me the woman cooking my food asked me if I were Japanese. When I responded with a negative she said she was wondering since I have such white teeth. I wanted to die laughing but I kept it inside and told her thank you for thinking I have such white teeth and then left when I received my food. So if you have white teeth it means you're Japanese!
Friday was host family night when we met our host families for the first time. My family includes Grace my mom and Denny her son who will be my host brother. He brought along his roommate too so I met Johnny as well. They are very nice and sweet. Grace teaches at an elementary school in Suao. Both Denny and Johnny are 2nd year students at Yilan University studying chemistry.
My host family
(Denny, me, Grace)
(Johnny is Denny's roommate)
On Saturday I went to a bbq hosted by Amy's family. She is Jessica's LET and it was a community barbeque where the whole neighborhood gets together and celebrates for the Moon Festival. There are raffles and prizes to be won as well. Amy's family prepared a lot of food for us to eat and were very welcoming.

Jessica and Amy (her LET)
(look at that food!)

Excited about the food

Amy and her husband

All the girls
(Monica, Me, Jessica, Kim)
For your entertainment purposes:

This is my scooter it's a silver 100cc SYM Mio. I'm in my humongous helmet and raincoat which I have since realized is too short. I should have bought an XXL instead of just an XL. I'm considered tall here!
i love getting your updates
ReplyDeleteso, just between you and me, were the teachers cute? ;P haha
ReplyDeleteand i love the raincoat =D
yay i'm glad that you enjoy them ning xing.
ReplyDeletehannah - no they were not!